Me, President Bush, Tammy Hawkins and Susie Whitson - circa 1993
I thought I would take a break from the continuing saga of my past few posts to say that I love this guy!! Back in the early 1990's, George W. Bush announced he was going to run for governor of Texas and one of his main platforms was juvenile justice. Being that he lived in Odessa as a young man, and that he still had many ties to the area, he decided to make Odessa Teen Court one of the stops along the way as he began to campaign. This was a great fit as Odessa had one of the very first established teen/peer courts in the United States, and had great success in dealing with first-time juvenile offenders. I worked for Teen Court for 6 years and had been a juvenile detective prior to that, so I was very interested in what he had to say. We did not have much notice that he was coming, but we did have it confirmed the night before, so I was ready with my camera.
Whether you are a fan of President George W. Bush or not, there is no denying he has charm and charisma. I am a fan and continue to be. I love the sincerity that seems to be such a part of him. I love his relatability and his respectability and the fact that he adores his family. There was never a time that I was "ashamed" of this president. I felt safer and now my head just spins when I try to understand where we are headed. You can see in the picture how giddy I am. He spoke to us like friends, he was very genuine and concerned and while I know that is the "way" of politicians I can tell you that I did not feel at all that he was being anything other than real during my interaction with him. He was traveling light and did not have an entourage, although there were a couple of guys who accompanied him. There had been enough press about his visit that there were some citizens who showed up to talk to him. What I witnessed as I stood off to the side was a very caring and compassionate man who talked to every last person who was there to see him. He did not appear to be on any schedule and if the gentlemen who were there with him were security, they stayed their distance (The senior President Bush had just ended his term a few months earlier - so I don't know the protocol as far as secret service traveling with adult children of past presidents).
I can tell you one thing with certainty. The President smells awesome!
Do we miss him yet? You sure betcha! Great experience, great story and great picture!